Samsung Gear S2 - nuove funzionalità con l'ultimo aggiornamento

23 Novembre 2015 - Roberto Bracco
Samsung ha iniziato sul mercato coreano la distribuzione di un importante aggiornamento software per lo smartphone Gear S2, da poco in vendita anche nel nostro paese. Il nuovo firmware R732XXU2BOKF per il Samsung Gear S2 non è accompagnato dalle consuete note di rilascio con l'elenco delle novità, quelle che riportiamo di seguito sono le migliorie riscontrate da uno sviluppatore che ha avuto modo di effettuare l'aggiornamento.
- It now says "add widget" under the + symbol when you scroll all the way right.
- When you scroll right on the watchfaces menu there's an option to "Add template" now. It then lets you choose from the watchfaces that can be stylized and make a new face from them.
- On a notification, when you swipe up to dismiss, it now shows a trash can.
- For a notification reply, the emoji symbol has been replaced with a more traditional circle happy face.
- There is an "Auto open apps" option, which means apps will open when you stop rotating the ring on them.
- Also in the settings under "connections" there's an alert option now to be notified via vibration when disconnected from your phone.
- Under the display setting there's now a screen timeout option. 15 secs, 30 secs, 1 min, or 5 minutes.
- New apps added: a world clock, starbucks, a korean navigation app, and the flipboard news briefing app. - There's also a few watchfaces added, nothing new, same ones shown at the initial unveiling. All of them can be uninstalled
- There's a notification indicator option now also in display. It will make a little orange circle appear on your watchface until you've viewed the notification. Only works if you don't have notifications set to automatically turn on your screen in the Gear Android app.
- When reading the text of a notification, it will make the font larger if you double tap the screen.