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Phone Software Update un importante aggiornamento software per lo smartphone Nokia
N93. Effettuando l'aggiornamento il firmware interno del cellulare passa dalla versione v11 alla v20, con un'ampia serie di migliorie che vi elenchiamo nel dettaglio.
Nokia N93 SW v11.0.034 - CellMo baseline update
- Improvements to Auto power off, reset cases
- Gallery/Camera primary use improved
- Initialization/startup time, improved to 2 ~ 3 sec
- Shot-2-shot time, 2.17 Sec
- Optical Zoom noise reduction algorithm updated to vary according tobackground noise level.
- Stability/Reliability improvements added.
- Product mode, UI jerkiness improvements
- UI jerkiness corrections included for Camera, Gallery and RealOne player
- A few Applications fixed for mode switch errors
- Bluetooth headset IOP/Audio improvement seen in BH-900, BH-800 fixed :
- Bluetooth SAP profile errors corrected so that N616 works.
Improvements and changes to applications: - Internet Folder added in position 9 on main menu, containing
- Web (OSS Browser) , moved Office folder in 11.0.034
- Search
- Download! (contains Catalogs)
- WLAN Wizard
- Zip manager is added to position 5 in Office folder.
- Clock is moved from top level menu to My Own folder, position 1.
- Home network application in Connectivity folder is updated to include setup wizard option to make it easier to configure UPnP.
- Access Point Configurator (APC) is replaced by Startup Settings Ver 1.
No visible change changes for end user: - QuickOffice version is updated - allows end-users can buy a license for editors and activate them in their device if they so wish.
- Optical zoom reset by still/video capture mode switch: Zoom level is reset to 1.0x at capture mode change for smooth transition.
- Cover UI to not lit backlight as music clip change: Disabling backlight at music clip change to save battery power.
- Support for Display Headset HS-69 is added.
- Max no of Sent SMSs saved : change the maximum number of SMSs saved in "Sent" folder to 100. (for PRC variant only)
- Camera mode switching: Modes spec updated so that when changing from imaging mode to any other mode with camera still active the UI returns toidle screen rather than activate the sub-camera.
- UMTS in Network mode selection: UMTS is selectable in the UI for Networkmode selection. Tools/Settings/Network mode/ Dual, GSM, UMTS. (not inPRC variant)
- PRC Default Boot Up Language: Default UI Language at 1st boot up isSimplified Chinese (not Automatic).
- In line with July 1, 2006 , GSMA (GSM Association) mandate A5/2 cipheringis no longer supported by default.