Nokia N96 - arriva il primo aggiornamento software
27 Settembre 2008 | PuntoCellulare.it
NOKIA CERCA E' disponibile da un paio di giorni il primo aggiornamento software per lo smartphone Nokia N96, da poco sul mercato. L'aggiornamento, scaricabile attraverso il Nokia Software Update, porta il firmware del Nokia N96 alla versione v11.018 e non apporta modifiche significative, se non la risoluzione, comunque non trascurabile, di numerosi bug della versione precedente. Quello che segue è il 'change-log' in inglese che elenca nel dettaglio tutte le novità che il firmware v11.018 per il Nokia N96 porta in dote.
Fixed issues in this SW releases
Fixed issues in this SW releases
- DM settings aren't generated automatically, when Email settings are defined in variant
- Audio: Phone resets when plugging-unplugging headset for several times during music playback
- Video call: White or black screen flashes when power saver time-out expires during an active video call
- 3D Ringing tone is too low, almost nothing cannot be heard during MT voice call
- Illumination with Voice call: During an active voice call, power saver displays when power saver time-out expires and then phone goes to sleep mode while the call is still ongoing
- Image Quality improvements
- Device slows down when large numbers of pictures are transferred to the device
- Slow to open the Reply screen for an SMS
- ViewServ12 crashes under high CPU load
- Phone jams or resets when taking photo during low power audio playback
- Phone freezes after a new SMS is received during Visual Radio playback
- Other error fixes related to general system stability improvement
- H264 playback crashes when start to play H.264 live streaming link
- treaming of live content may cause phone to freeze
- RTSP link truncation problem. Cut off URL parameter in RTSP streaming link
- Phone freezes when selecting "Mute" and "Unmute" several times during video call
- Video call: video rendering quality is somewhat pixilated
- Subscription with error message "Temporary failure. Try to purchase again. -15"
- OTC - N96 SW 10.007 DVBH: Auto reload - successfully get subscription. But cannot watch. Lock key icon is still shown.
- OTC - First time subscription must be seamless to the end user by pressing just one key.
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Nokia N96 - ecco il video dell'unboxing Questa volta è direttamente Nokia ad offrirci in anteprima il video, che a questo punto possiamo definire 'ufficiale', dell'unboxing del nuovo smartphone Nokia N96 ... [04/09/2008]