iOS 5 - disponibile la nuova beta 3, ecco l'elenco dettagliato delle novità
11 Luglio 2011 | Max Capitosti


  • Push and local notifications for apps appear in the new Notification Center in iOS 5. Notification Center displays notifications that are considered “unread”. In order to accommodate push and local notifications that have no “unread” status, developers can use their application badge count to trigger a clearing of notifications from Notification Center. When an application clears its badge count (by setting it to zero), iOS 5 will clear its notifications from Notification Center.


  • NEW: When tweeting your location from Safari and exiting before the location can be established, the location arrow will stay in the status bar. The arrow can be removed by killing Safari from the task switcher.

UI Automation

  • NEW: In iOS 5 beta 3, the first execution of a script after a reboot or erase install will likely fail. Subsequent attempts should succeed until the device is rebooted again.
  • The play and record buttons in the Automation instrument script editor may not work properly after targeting an application that was launched by a trace session and has ended. They may also not work if you target an application that was suspended. If you run into this problem and it persists, you may need to close and reopen the trace document to get back into a functional state.
  • When capturing actions into a script using the Automation instrument, interfaces with web views or table cells that contain a high number of off screen elements may take an extremely long time before returning with an expression.
  • The lock() and unlock() functions of UIATarget have been replaced with the lockForDuration() function.
  • Instruments overwrites the loaded automation script, even if another program is editing it.
  • Starting iOS 5 beta 2, you can now trigger the execution of an UI Automation script on an iOS device from the host terminal by using the instruments tool. The command is:
    • instruments -w -t