Fonti attendibili danno in arrivo per il Samsung
Galaxy Note 4 una speciale cover ad ultrasuoni, per venire incontro alle esigenze dei consumatori che hanno seri problemi alla vista. La cover, una volta applicata al Galaxy Note 4, sarà in grado di rilevare l'approssimarsi di ostacoli davanti all'utente, avvisandolo tramite un feedback acustico o una vibrazione.
Si potranno scegliere tre differenti livelli di sensibilità del fascio ad ultrasuoni, in modo da regolare l'ampiezza e la distanza delle rilevazioni. La cover sarà accompagnata da un'applicazione per la gestione delle funzionalità della cover, di cui riportiamo il testo con le note legali che Samsung ha redatto per limitare le proprie responsabilità qualora dovesse verificarsi qualche incidente.
The Product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. This Product is a non-medical device.
It cannot replace a cane and should never be used as a mobility aid or substitute for any mobility aid tool. It must always be used in combination with a cane, a dog guide, or a human guide because, by itself, it does not provide information necessary for safe travel.
We strongly recommend you to educate yourself fully and abide by the operating procedures of this manual before your first use. Furthermore, we encourage you to train yourself with how to use the Product and be sure to have fully understood how the Product works correctly. We are not responsible for or liable for any misuse of the Product or incorrect interpretation of the Product manual. While using the Product in training, it is strongly recommended that you work with a sighted friend who can give you visual feedback, particularly when you work with more advanced skills.
The Product does not detect drop-offs. When doing exercises that require hand scanning, make sure that you use an area without steps or drop-offs, and without car or pedestrian traffic.
The Product does not provide the scope and detail of information obtained through vision and the coverage area/range may vary due to circumstances.
Users should always remove headphones from their ears when approaching and crossing intersections or when walking through areas that include business driveways, parking lots, or alleyswhere traffic might cross the path of travel.
For further warnings and disclaimers, please refer to the Product manual.