OnePlus One - in arrivo un 'fix' per i problemi al touchscreen

9 Maggio 2015 - Max Capitosti
OnePlus si prepara a rendere disponibile un 'fix' per ovviare ai problemi di sensibilità del touchscreen riscontrato da un numero limitato di possessori di uno OnePlus One.

Tramite un messaggio pubblicato sul forum di supporto ufficiale il produttore spiega di aver voluto attendere alcune settimane prima di intervenire, in modo da farsi un quadro preciso della situazione. Un aggiornamento risolutivo, messo a punto con la stretta collaborazione Synaptics (l'azienda fornitrice dell'hardware di gestione del touchscreen), dovrebbe finalmente porre rimedio all'inconveniente. Nelle scorse settimane altri aggiornamenti rilasciati su OnePlus One non avevano risolto il problema, tanto da far pensare ad un problema di natura hardware.

Over the past few weeks, we've seen a substantial amount of feedback regarding touchscreen issues. Before an informed response could be given, first we investigated the case thoroughly. We wanted to get the full picture of what could be causing this issue, as well as prepare a number of solutions.

Although percentage-wise the number of touchscreen cases is very small, we understand that our user base is very vocal. We take your feedback seriously and have been putting the One through a battery of tests and determined that there are different issues at play, some software and some hardware. We have, and will continue, to stand behind our products and honor warranty.

Working closely with Synaptics, we will soon be releasing a final firmware fix. If you would rather not wait and are experiencing any issues, touchscreen or otherwise, please contact our support team. We are constantly making changes and improving our service level. If a previous interaction with support left you unsatisfied, we encourage those who believe their devices are affected by this issue to try again.

As always, our users are our number one priority and we would like to thank you all for your patience and continued confidence in us. Never Settle.