OnePlus 2 - annunciato un ritardo nella distribuzione degli inviti

14 Agosto 2015 - Max Capitosti
OnePlus ha annunciato, con un messaggio pubblicato sul proprio forum ufficiale, di aver rallentato il ritmo di distribuzione degli inviti necessari all'acquisto del nuovo OnePlus 2.

Non sappiamo se la decisione rientri in una precisa scelta di marketing, magari per accrescere l'attesa da parte degli acquirenti, oppure sia legato a difficoltà produttive, con una richiesta di inviti ben superiore alle aspettative. La società nei giorni scorsi aveva confermato un ritardo di 2-3 settimane del lancio dello OnePlus 2 negli Stati Uniti.

Nellla comunicazione pubblicata sul forum OnePlus fa riferimento inoltre ad alcuni problemi qualitativi riscontrati sul cavo USB Type-C, altro possibile motivo delle lungaggini che si prospettano per chi ha deciso di acquistare questo top di gamma

I know we promised that it would be easier to get invites for the OnePlus 2 this time around. Yet, the struggle to get an invite is more real than ever. The launch has been a rollercoaster ride both for our users and for OnePlus.

I want to clarify the situation with our invite and product rollout. On Monday, we wrote a note about a 2-3 week delay in North America. I want to let you know that we're going to slow the rollout of invites in other regions as well in the coming few weeks.

At OnePlus, we focus on creating the best product, and then letting it spread on its own through word of mouth. Word of mouth is extremely important for OnePlus. This allows us to have a very low marketing overhead, and distribute products direct to consumer in a more efficient manner.

For a smartphone, early word of mouth cements the perception people have of the product throughout its entire lifecycle. While early reviews have been favorable, we still think we can do much better. There is continuous work being done on OxygenOS to improve the overall product experience.

In addition, we've seen a few cases where the material of the new USB Type-C cable is not holding up to our standards. This is being resolved upstream.

For these reasons, we will be rolling out invites slowly to closely monitor and act on user feedback.

If you have the OnePlus 2 and are facing any issues, our support team is on standby to help. Visit them at

We'd like more than anything to get the OnePlus 2 in your hands as soon as possible. Just bear with us for a tiny bit more.